Six Impressive Health Benefits of Beetroot

1.As we all know beetroot is known as chakundar in Hindi. Beetroot is a vegetable which we eat in the form of salad. Inside the beetroot, there is a pigment. This pigment is of purplish red color which works as an anti-oxidant in your body. You can eat it as anti-aging. This means that when our body is getting old, cells are going to finish their capacity, they are getting lost, and they are dying, then this pigment gives new power to them again; help to build new cells through anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory response.

daily diet plan
Daily Diet Chart
2. There is a very good amount of foliate in it, which is very beneficial for pregnant women. It contains plenty of health benefits. It also helps in the forming of red blood cells. It contains nitrate as well. Nitrate inside it may improve dilation of blood vessels, which helps in blood flow smoothly to the brain. It also helps in lower blood pressure and improves athletic performance. It provides oxygen and nutrition to the body cells, due to which you will feel energetic. Nitrates in it also help in cell signaling, and hormones – all of which play a role in increasing the energy levels. It is an advice of nutritionist that you should consume beetroot daily. 

3. Beetroot also contains amino acid which helps in recovery of muscles. You can include beetroot in your post workout and pre-workout meal in the form of shakes, juices. But remember you have to consume it half an hour before your exercise and 10 minutes after your workout. If you consume it properly then your body will be revitalized and gives you the best results. 

4. It contains very low calorie which helps in reducing your weight. For achieving and maintaining weight beetroot is best. It contains moderate amounts of protein and fiber helps promote weight loss by reducing appetite and promoting feelings of fullness. In beetroot, there is a presence of betanin which has the potential to prevent cancer of the breasts. 

5. Beetroot enhances liver health. It is the best liver food as it contains calcium, betaine, vitamin B, iron, and antioxidants. Betaine helps in to eliminate toxins from liver and fiber clears the toxins which have been removed from the liver. It is very effective in treating inflammation in the kidneys. Consumption of beetroot also controls blood sugar. Daily consumption of beetroot may improve digestion and blood quality. As its rich in iron, it helps in treating anemia. Beetroots contain good amounts of boron, which is helpful in the production of sex hormones. 

6. Beetroot reduces the risk of cataract. It also promotes strong teeth and muscles. It also improves skin health. It prevents skin cancer. It can help to prevent certain lifestyle-related diseases like osteoporosis. 

Why to Take Banana Daily in Diet?

Fruits bring health, colour, and happiness to our palates and lives. We almost invariably give preference to seasonal fruits like orange in winter and mango in summer. Apple is popularly known as the fruit that keeps doctors away and therefore is adored by one and all. There is another fruit- much more humble and tastier than most fruits available in the market- the often ignored banana. It won’t be an exaggeration to call it a superfood. A medium sized banana (100g) contains 116 kcal of energy and 1.2 grams of protein. In addition to these macronutrients, a banana is a good source of potassium and vitamin B6. It also contains calcium, tryptophan, and iron which are beneficial for your health. Today we shall discuss all the health benefits of banana. 
blance diet plan
Daily Diet Plan Chart
 A banana is good for heart’s health as it contains lots of potassium. Potassium is one of the most important minerals for a heart as it helps regulate the movement of the heart muscle.  In addition, potassium helps balance the increase of sodium level in our body due to consumption of excessive junk food. This sodium-potassium balance is extremely important for our health. The potassium content of banana helps in regulating blood pressure. So for your heart’s health you should always consider including banana in your diet.

 Bananas contain a good amount of fibre. This fibre is good for gut health. This fibre or resistant starch helps controlling blood sugar level and enhance short-chain fatty acid production. These short chain fatty acids are important for maintaining gut health. So if you have constipation and/or digestion related problem, include a banana in your Daily Diet Plan.

 A problem of mood swings can be solved by eating a banana. It contains tryptophan- an essential amino acid which influences the production of serotonin. This neurotransmitter is essential for elevating your mood. So, menopausal women and pregnant mothers, who often suffer from severe mood swings, can eat a banana. It will definitely help your mood to get better. Also, for pregnant mothers, Pregnancy Diet Chart is recommended.

 Bananas are very effective for those who want to increase their muscle. As has been told earlier that a banana is a good source of potassium and contains high energy, both of which are required for muscle growth. During exercise, muscles require potassium for proper movement and the body requires extra energy, and a banana would supply both. So one can eat a banana before exercise for effective muscle movement and muscle growth.

 Bananas may be helpful to treat a sleeping problem, as they contain tryptophan which is a precursor to serotonin. This chemical is essential for sound sleep. At the same time, it contains vitamin B6 and magnesium, both of which are required for good sleep. Vitamin B6 helps in relieving you of your daily anxiety and magnesium relaxes muscles, which are essential for good sleep. So if you have any sleep-related issue, try to eat a banana, instead of popping sleeping pills.

 Banana is good for people with anemia. It contains iron which is an essential element for blood cell formation. It also contains copper which is essential for blood cells. So consumption of banana helps in improving blood level and also in reducing anemia.

 Banana has anti-inflammatory property. Inflammation is associated with several diseases like arthritis, gout and free radical damages. So banana is effective for those diseases which are directly associated with inflammation.  If you have arthritis-related problems, you can choose to have banana in your diet. 

 Bananas are considered antacids because they help reduce acid secretion. Excess and uncontrolled acid production are associated with ulcer formation in the stomach. So, if you have a tendency for indigestion, gas and blotting related problems, you can eat a banana daily. 

How to incorporate banana in your daily diet:

 Add banana slices in your breakfast cereals. If anyone has a habit of engaging in regular physical exercise then she must eat banana before exercise.

 For children- make banana smoothie with milk and dry fruits. This type of smoothie is helpful for weight gain as well. Adults can also drink this.

 If you have a craving for ice-cream, then you can prepare a homemade healthy ice-cream using banana, milk, raisins, and almond, and thereby satisfy your sweet cravings in a healthy way.

 You can use a banana for making healthy and tasty pancakes.

 You can include banana in your fruit salad plate.

After knowing the benefits, surely you are excited about getting a banana in your hand. But you must also keep in mind that excess consumption of any food, even the healthy ones, isn’t good for your health. So control your portion size. If you have a structured Weight Loss Diet Plan then eating too many bananas will be detrimental for you. The best thing for your health is to eat one banana every day.

Today Sun is in the Capricorn and Moon is in the Leo. Today We will tell you about the impact of the moon zodiac on your horoscope by coming into Leo

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Aries: Today if you participate in any seminar or trade show then chances of getting new business contacts will be high and today you will get a new business opportunity as well. Today you will get support from your relatives. You will get relief from the burden of the brain. Your love life and married life will fluctuate. So don’t involve in any argument. Stay calm.

Today's tip: Give sweet bread to the cow.

Taurus: Today the health of this zodiac’s people good. You can sources of income from the people you know. Today, what you want to do in your office for a long time, you can do it. It is the right time to do that thing with your colleague today. You can do whatever you want today. Today your relationship with your partner is increasing. Today is a pleasant day.

Today's tip: Chant the buddh mantra.

Gemini: Today the people of Gemini need to exercise regularly to improve their health. You can earn a lot of money from different sources today. But take special care of this money. Do not let it slip with hands. Today you can plan to go to a religious place. Today, your mind can get comfort and peace. Do not take any decision in a hurry. You may have to repent further.

Today's tip: Today, use perfume in your clothes.

Cancer: The people of this zodiac need to be fully restrained to maintain their energy level today. Otherwise, the exhaustion of your body can create a lot of negativity in you. And can bring irritability in your behavior. Relax to reduce any kind of pressure today and spend a good time with your family. If you have to travel in connection with the work, then your results will be good in the coming days. Good for married life.

Today's tip: Chant the hanuman chalisa.

Leo: People of this zodiac spend your day very carefully. There may be confusion in your life by getting the wrong information. Listen and understand the information clearly. Today you can do some planning with colleagues. Today you can beat your competitors due to your intelligence. 

Today's tip: Give water to the lord sun.

Virgo: Today's day is going to smooth. All work will be resolved without any hesitation and today you will be able to relax. Today’s day is not for investment. You will get the support of friends. You can spend quality time with your family. 

Today’s tip: Put saffron tilak on your forehead

Libra: Today your health will be very good. Today you will be participating in a big seminar in which very interesting things will come out. Because of this, there is a lot of progress in your business. Take special care of your competitors in your professional life. Try to understand their planning well. You can also out with your spouse and can spend your day well.

Today’s tip: Today give some donation to the little girls and their blessings. 

Taurus: The people of taurus, use your energy level and Confidence level correctly. Today is a very good day to work. Today will be a sunny day but after that, your energy level will be high and you will feel refresh. Today, due to tight economic conditions, some work may get stuck but there is no need to worry. Today all the people in the family will understand your story well and support it too. So today's day is very good for any discussion. 

Today’s tip: Chant Om Namah Shivay. 

Sagittarius: Sagittarius people, drive a car very safely today. You need to take care while driving. Try to control your expenses today, spend only on the essential things. Someone can express your love with you today and can give you a proposal. Today you can spend a good day happily with your life partner with funny jokes and tampering. 

Today’s tip: Today you must worship goddess saraswati.

Capricorn: Capricorn people can feel a bit sick today. Your energy level may be slightly low today, so give special attention to your diet today. Do not spend more money than needed on anything today and keep your expenses in control. Today, you can take your parents into confidence and plan a new investment. Today you will be able to beat your opponents with your ability to test faster. 

Today’s tip: Today you must feed the cow green grass

Aquarius: Today, all people of this sun sigh discuss your family-related issues with your life partner and try to resolve them. Do any investment very carefully today. The day is good enough for love and to go out with friends. Today you can have some problem in your factory with office employees and low-class people. So work with your workers with coordination. 

Today’s tip: Today you must give a gift to a Brahmin

Pisces: You will get a good profit today. You can have some romantic meeting today. Think before doing any expenditure on anything. Today take care of your parent’s health. There can be some problem due to their health. 

Today’s tip: Today, give food to a blind person. 

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Today Sun sign is the Capricorn and the Moon sign is Cancer, so today we know how its effect on 12 zodiac signs

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Aak Ka Rashifal

Today, you can plan new work and consider new options to increase the income. There are chances to travel and you will get the benefit of the same. To avoid falling into any extravagant tasks and controversy otherwise, you have to pay

Today's tips: Feed sweet bread to cow every day.


Pleasantness will prevail in the family of Taurus and the pleasant atmosphere will remain. Today you can get help from your partner. Today, your point of view can be misinterpreted and your criticism can also happen. Speak carefully whatever you say and think carefully before taking any new decision today. Be careful today in office and business.

Today's Tips: Make a saffron tilak on the forehead.


Incomplete work of Gemini is being seen today. Whatever work they do today, they will get a good result. There will be good support of the people in the office today. Do not keep control of anger today; otherwise, the work can get worse. Today's day is very good for the students.

Today's tips: Take blessings of young girls from 12 years old.


There may be few swings in moods of cancer. Due to this mood, you can also spoil your work so keep control over your mood and anger. Cancerian will not get the support of brothers and friends. Drive the vehicle carefully otherwise chances of an accident and also take care of your health.

Today's Tips: Do the lessons of Hanuman Chalisa.


People can get good news today. Good chances of promotion are becoming. Time is not good for the students, so focus more on their studies. Love life will be good today you will spend good time with your partner. Take care of health today; there may be diseases such as cold and cough.

Today's tips: Water must be offered to the Sun God.


A good way to buy a new vehicle and can be a good atmosphere in the family. There will be a good day for the students and the results will be favorable. A little upheaval in mind so does yoga daily. There will be some health issues like a pain in the stomach to take care of your health.

Today's Tips: Chant Budh Mantra


You will get good support from brothers and sisters; a day will be good according to business and career point of view. Keep your document well; avoid doing something new today. According to Love Life, the day will not be good today. You will face some health issues specially eyes related so take care of your health as well.

Today's Tips: Do the worship of Maa Saraswati.


You may have to travel, which will be beneficial for you. Today your interest appears in the creative field and day will be very busy, just spend your very carefully today, there are chances of loss. Good day for law student

Today's Tips: Wear the silver trim.


Today your mood will be a bit romantic and will spend a good time with the partner. Businesses may need to travel and will make good contacts with new people. Today there are chances of recovery of stalled money.

Today's Tips: Lightening mustard oil’s diva in the temple of Shani Dev.


Take special care on money’s expenses and also take care of the health of young children they will face some health’s problem. Today's day will be run and tension. Professional life will be good, just be careful while driving a bit.

Today's Tips: Chant of Venus mantra


New contacts will be available in business and new sources of income will also be available. Today's day will be very busy and hard work. Avoid any extravagant appearances and do not borrow money from anyone today. Take your decision very carefully today otherwise you may be in trouble; it can be a difficult day for the students.

Today's Tip: Chant of Gayatri Mantra.


Today you will get the support of your team so complete your pending task with help of your team. You will get new offers of partnership but think once at the time on money investment. Today is good for the students and they will positively result so stay focus.

Today's tips: Feed blind person today



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Daily Horoscope

Lady luck is going to be on your side today, Aries. Whatever you plan to do today, regardless of how significant or insignificant the task is, you’re going to notice benefits and progress flowing into your life. The day serves as a chance to strengthen your bonds with your family. Added to that, you’ll be making a few cherishable memories with your love interest. Despite the enhanced sense of luck that graces you today, it is recommended that you utilize the utmost caution while investing your financial resources. Impulsive decisions related to finance can have negative consequences. It is recommended that you carry yourself with caution and be aware of everything that goes around you.


Today serves as the ideal opportunity to solve any lingering issues in your relationship by talking it out, Taurus. Socializing is a recommended activity for today since there is a high possibility for you to meet a few interesting personalities who can have a positive impact on your life. You’ll be instantly clicking with the people you meet today and will be spending a few enjoyable and productive moments. The day will be bestowing you with several chances for creating new income streams, and it is recommended that you don’t let those chances slip away. Family ties are also going to get strengthened today. The day fills you with laziness and a sense of lethargy which might have an impact on your work schedule. It is recommended that you don’t let it overwhelm you and overcome this feeling of laziness.


Any financial resources that have been obstructed from reaching you might make its way to you, Gemini. Added to that, if you’ve been experiencing any finance related problems, the day will ensure to resolve any and all of the same. The day will be filled with joy and a sense of happiness. You’ll be spending some quality time with your love interest. It is recommended that you have the utmost patience and accuracy while doing your routine tasks. The day will have a few challenges for you which might have a significant physical toll on you. Opt for being extremely aware while driving any sort of automotive vehicle today since there might be a chance for you to get involved in an accident. Be cautious through the day, and you’ll breeze through the day.


The day is going to delight you with unexpected profits, Cancer. You’ll be treated with a wide array of new opportunities. It is recommended that you examine all of the same and act on the opportunities that you deem appropriate for you. You might find yourself getting concerned about your love interests’ health. Today is going to fill you with positivity and intense emotions when it comes to your relationships. Utilize the optimism that flows through you today to make the most out of the day.


You’re going to be the center of everyone’s attention today, Leo. Your positive behavior today will be attracting a few desirable individuals towards you. The positivity that fills them is also going to aid them in their everyday tasks and allow them to perform with an increased sense of efficiency and accuracy. The day is bustling with work which is going to demand the best of your efforts. The day is ideal for those of the Leo constellation who are engaged in cloth trading and partnership businesses. There is a high chance that you might engage in a new field of business with your business partner which will also lead you to strengthen your bonds with the person. The day is brimming with positive outcomes, and it is recommended that you can make the best of it.


The day demands you to be entirely at your own, Virgo. Tasks carried out with caution and with a sense of cleverness involved will be certain to gain you significant profits today. It is recommended that you dedicate a part of the day to exploring yourself and your long-term aims to better orient yourself towards your dreams and milestones. Be extremely aware while driving an automotive vehicle today. Since the day is dedicated to you being on your own, the inability to get guidance from your loved ones can get your frustrated. Employ a sense of strong will, and you’ll get through any challenges that the day might throw at you.


The day demands you to work in a team, Libra. Task carried out with the ideal teamwork is certain to garner profits for you. It is recommended that you analyze all the career-related option for yourself and consider only those which satisfy your inner intellectual. Acquaintances will be assisting you today to relieve you of any stressful situations. The day will leave you wanting to spend the evening out with the people you love. Adding to the day, your love interest will take the responsibility to add to your joy for the day. Overall, the day will involve a sense of productivity and happiness.


The day can bring the unmarried scorpions a considerable marriage proposal. You’ll be spending quality time with your love interest. It is recommended that you employ the utmost caution while being around your competitors since they might try to lead you astray. They might try to hide some vital information from you which will cause you to get stressed and frustrated. Spend the day with a sense of optimism, and you’ll be fine Scorpio.


The day will delight you with various opportunities to entertain yourself, Sagitarrius. The day is ideal for you to resolve any pending family-related issues. Children are going to fill your day with joy and memorable moments. It is recommended that you pay the utmost attention to your health today since there is a possibility that might experience a few health-related problems. Overall, the day is going to be an enjoyable one. Make the most of it.


The day might bring a few unexpected profits your way, Capricorn. It is recommended that you spend your financial resources with caution today. It would be in your best interest to act on any finance-related tasks by today itself. Asking for help from someone that you’re comfortable with can help you with the same. Any pending problems with your loved ones will get resolved, provided that you act on it first. You’ll be sharing your inner feelings with your love interest and will be spending some quality time together with them.


The day will bring unexpected help your way, Aquarius. It is recommended that you divert your entire attention span towards your family and strengthening your bonds with them. Employ a significant sense of control over yourself and ensure that you don’t share any crucial secrets with anyone today. The day will have several challenges for you. There is a possibility that you will experience issues between you and your friends.


The day is ideal for pursuing your dreams, Pisces. You will be imbued with a heightened sense of confidence and efficiency in your natural skills today. It is recommended that you stay humble despite the increased sense of confidence within you. Be humble and strong to make the most out of your day.

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Daily Free Horoscope


Today will be entirely be dedicated to love, Aries. You might wake up with unexplained anxiety to see your love interest or to seek for one if you’re currently not into someone. Along with the same, today is going to grace you with innumerable opportunities to socialize. It is recommended that you don’t let the chance slip by since socializing with the right people is bound to have a significant positive impact on your life. You might end up spending your evening exactly how you prefer it today. It's your chance to unwind and relax, Aries.


Your heart might feel overwhelmed with emotions that will demand to be let out. Don’t be afraid to do so but release your emotions only with the people you feel comfortable with. This might feel like another day where you are at war with yourself, but it’s much more than what meets the eye. How you deal with your emotions today will have a significant impact on your development and your personality as a whole. Be strong and determined; you’ll find that you’ve released yourself from a heavy burden that was obstructing you for long by the end of the day.


It is all about intellectual development for you today, Gemini. You’ll be indulging yourself in conversation that will challenge your intellectual abilities and will, ultimately, result in the development of the same. If you’ve been looking for inspiration for a project, it’ll come to you in an overwhelming amount today. It is recommended that you carry yourself with an open and observant attitude. By the end of the day, you will be noticing a significant change in your intellectual nature. If you get a chance to be by yourself for a few moments, don’t let it slip by. Spending some quality time with yourself today is bound to help you answer a few questions that have been pending for long.


You’ll find yourself at the center of the spotlight today, Cancer. Today will bring a glimpse of fame that you’re bound to achieve if you keep putting a consistent amount of efforts for the coming days. You’ll find yourself at the receiving end of a few compliments today. Don’t let it drive you to an uncomfortable zone. Embrace everything that comes your way today and make the best of it. It is recommended that you don’t let the heightening effect of these compliments extend to the next day. Accept them gently and let them slip away before the end of the day.


Today is the day when you go beyond your current limits, Leo. Today brings you the perfect opportunity to expand your circle and learn new skills or acquaint yourself with a new, more creative field. You might find yourself getting exposed to knowing different cultures which are certain to catch your interest. Be open to everyone who might try to interact with you today, and you will notice that you’ve efficiently gone beyond your socializing limits. This unexpected development within you will be playing a vital role in the coming days.


This day will be gracing you with the opportunity to explore who you are, Virgo. The universe will be trying to interact with you through the day. Be observant since the creation speaks a very cryptic and symbolic language. If you’re aware enough, you might become a witness to overwhelming revelations about yourself that might change your entire outlook about who you are. Everything today that transpires around you is an omen that you’re supposed to examine with care. Keep your eyes and mind open today.


Today’s day will focus on setting the conditions for something major that is supposed to come on a later date, Libra. The events of today might insignificant to the ordinary eye, but you’re wiser than that. Treat everything that happens today with equal consideration as the biggest changes come disguised as the most minuscule of events. Added to that, you might also meet an unexpected old friend of yours who will be teaching you a few lessons that will help you in the near future. Be humble and enjoy the day.


Today is your day to give back to the universe, Scorpio. You will be the person that your acquaintances and colleagues will look towards today for professional or personal help. Regardless of whom it might be, it is recommended for you to be kind enough to help them to the best of your abilities. Every kind gesture that you enact today will be setting major positive changes in motion that are bound to alter your life for the better. Be the kind person that you always have been, and you’ll see everything changing for the better.   


You’ll be noticing a significant boost in your creative skills and other natural abilities, Sagittarius. Owing to the same, you’ll are bound to get acknowledged for your increased efficiency in everything that you do. Today’s events are certain to initiate a domino effect that will lead to better things in your life. Although it is recommended that you don’t let your enhanced abilities for today to overwhelm you. Carry a humble attitude through the day, regardless of any confidence-boosting results that you might see in yourself. The day is yours, and it’ll be in the best of your interests to seize it.


Intellectual changes grace your day today, Capricorn. You might find yourself facing challenges that will be beyond your emotional and physical standards. Don’t prevent yourself from struggling through the same as they will serve as the perfect medium for you to develop yourself from an intellectual and emotional perspective. Before the end of the day, you’re certain to notice a considerable change within yourself as you witness yourself maturing from the events that take place today. Be brave and bold today; it’ll serve to guide you to the path to a better life.


Today serves as the ideal chance for you to unwind and be yourself, Aquarius. All the efforts that you’ve put previously to improve your life will start taking effect starting from today. This the day where you sit back and let the universe do its part. It is recommended that you spend some quality time with yourself to explore and know more about who you are. Take a walk in a park or along a beach to admire everything beautiful around you and to relieve yourself from all the stress that has been troubling you for a few days now.


Today might demand the best of you, Pisces. The challenges that you will be facing today will require you to be at your peak in an intellectual, physical, and emotional sense. Today will serve as a trial for you to see how far you’ve come through the years. These challenges won’t come without a significant reward. Be organized and strong-willed; you’ll conquer everything any obstacles that come your way today. After proving yourself, you can spend the evening out with the people you love to bring a productive day to the perfect close.

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Go Unique On Your Wedding

The wedding is the most pious and beautiful function in almost all the parts of the world. A wedding is a bond that binds two souls with a string of love, respect, and promises. So on such an important day of a bride’s life, it is her right to look lavishing, elegant and unique. There are so many ideas and amazing looks that can make any girl go crazy. It is most important for a bride to go for unique outfits and bridal makeup so that she could look different from the crowd. Many wedding studios could help you in making your special day a little more special with amazing and unique fashion trends. You can avail free online chat with a makeup artist to get more knowledge. But if you want to know it more personally and elaborately about some makeup and wedding outfit tips, then you can follow this article to the end. This article would provide some amazing tips that you can implement on your wedding day.
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Go traditional in a modern mold: every bride to really want to go with some modern and unique outfit for her wedding. But to your astonishment, every guest would do the same at your wedding. So in order to look unique at your wedding, you should go for the combination of modern and traditional outfits. This would not only give you uniqueness but would impress your family as well. Go for the red or maroon color with heavy gold embroidery. Having chat with beauty experts may give you clear images.

Makeup tips: if you are going heavy on your outfit then keep your makeup heavy and elegant. Don’t go for light pastel shades and most importantly keep your eye makeup and lips shade extremely beautiful.

Accessory tips: keep your accessories normal. Don’t go for extra heavy pattern accessories if you are wearing a heavy lehenga.  Most importantly if you are going for heavy mang tika and earrings then keep your neckpiece a little lighter.

·    Royalty and class are important: if you really want to look classy and royal then you should go for the golden and white shades. If red and maroon are the colors which are overrated for you then also you may go for white and golden shades. This would not only provide you the much-needed elegance and a sense of royalty but would also make you stand out of the crowd. This knowledge can be improved by having a chat with celebrity makeup artist.

Makeup tips: if you are going for the royal and classy wedding then keep your makeup simple and sober. Don’t go for heavy and dark shades as it would destroy your look.

Accessory tips: most importantly keep your accessories quite heavy and royal. You may go for the layered neckpiece of pearls or diamonds.  A heavy nose ring would make you look even more stunning.

·   Be bold: if you are a person who loves to break stereotypes on her wedding, then you may go for the black shade. Black is a shade that every girl loves to include in her wardrobe. You may go for this shade on your wedding (only if you are bold enough to ignore the stereotypes and prejudices). This shade would give you the confidence and boldness on your wedding. You would look the true and elegant goddess of your destiny.

Makeup tips: with such a beautiful shade you should definitely go for the darker shades of makeup. Smokey eyes would add to your boldness and would make you look even more stunning and make the bridal makeup complete.

Accessory tips: most importantly keep your accessories simple but royal. You may go for pearls and platinum on your d-day and make your wedding a memorable moment not only for yourself but for all the guests too.

A wedding is the most important function in a girl’s life, so wear something only if you are comfortable with it. Don’t go for anything that doesn’t make you feel confident and easy to carry.


Ways to Enhance Your Brain Health

The human body consists of a number of parts and organs which have their own functions to perform. Together they help us in living a normal life but like every machine has a controlling part so does our body. This controller is known as the brain. It is the important work that it performs because of which it requires extra protection which is given in the form of a skull. No matter what work we do, it is the brain that sends the signals to each of the respective parts regarding what to do. Not only this, it is responsible for our memory, creativeness, and intellectual abilities. This is the reason that we need to take care of it and maintain its health.
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Eat Good Food:

Food is one of the basic necessities that we need for living. Nature has offered special food for each organ in bounties to us, and all we need to do is to eat them. Involve food which is good for your brain’s health, i.e. something which is rich in omega 3 such as salmon, trout, and sardines. Vegetarians may go for flaxseeds, walnuts, kidney beans, spinach, etc. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables as they are full of antioxidants which act as a shield for your brain cells. Drink green tea which is again a very good source of antioxidants. Try to limit the intake of food with saturated fat such as butter, red meat, etc. You may learn more about the proper diet through a chat with the professional doctor.

Have Fun:

Avoid stress as much as you can, learn to accept changes, forgive yourself and others. The reason is, stress is said to damage the hippocampus which is responsible for building up new cells in our brain. Whenever you feel overburdened, take a break, go for a walk, dance, sing, paint, do anything that makes you happy and contented. A very important note, do what you love and not something for which you have to force yourself without your own will. Spend quality time with family, go out for a movie with friends, laugh till your stomach aches. In short, say goodbye to stress and hello to healthy mental health. If you are unable to deal with mental stress, then you may get an online solution by doctors.

Stay Positive:

As it is said, change is the only constant, try to deal with it gracefully. No matter what, understand that no problem is more important than your own well-being. Be positive in whatever you do; this helps your brain remain relaxed and function properly. An unnecessary burden is injurious to your mental health; therefore, distance yourself from anything negative that seems like a threat to your mental peace.

Sleep Well:

Resting is important, and sleeping is a vital part of it. Generally, 8 hours of sleep is considered to be the ideal number of hours for an adult. Sleeping helps your mind freshen up, save important facts, and build new cells. It boosts creativity and improves one’s problem-solving skills which are very important in today’s era. One must have a proper sleep schedule and must try to go to bed happy to have a good sleep. In case you are having a problem in taking proper sleep because of undergoing stress, have a free online chat with the doctor.


In the current time, when life has become hectic and stressful, it is important to take out some time to connect with one’s own self.  Meditation is a great way to do this; it helps relieve stress and de-clutter one’s life, thus helping in gaining focus. This practice is said to increase the grey matter in the brain which contains neuron cell bodies which enhances the memory. It helps one remain calm and deal with life situations in a much-sorted way.

Be Active:

To remain fit physically, we do exercise, same way to make our brains healthy, we need to do exercise for it as well. Wondering how you can do it? All you need to do is solve puzzles, try to answer tricky questions, rejumble the sentences, do something creative, let the ideas fly when you do these activities, a positive change will be experienced by you. These kinds of activities help in raising the IQ level of our brain and thus in remaining active.

Reduce Alcohol and Quit Smoking:

Drinking alcohol in limit is fine but having it excessively is not at all a healthy choice. Studies show that people who drink a lot have a problem remembering things; the reason is that it affects your brain badly. Therefore, it is recommended that one must drink only in limit till it is fine for your health. Talking of cigarettes, it has been found that people who have a habit of smoking two packets or more in a day itself are likely to have twice the chances of suffering from dementia in their older days.

Indulge in Healthy practices:

Just like your body, the mind needs exercise too; they are incomplete without each other. A dysfunction in the body can affect the brains functioning by increasing stress level while the unhealthy mind can affect the functioning of the brain. There are a number of practices which should be followed to have a strong brain. The best way to have a healthy brain is by conducting regular intellectual exercises, taking a special healthy diet over regular intervals, and making meditation a part of life. Don’t forget to take a sound, timely sleep of 8 hours at least daily to let your brain relax and refresh.


It has been observed that increased interaction with your family members by spending quality time with them can help you in remaining grounded and at peace. Making friends with people who bring out the best in you is yet another way of having mental well-being. Try and remain away from negative people as they may suck out the happiness from your life making you sad and angry. Having a good lifestyle becomes a habit over a period of time if you train your brain in a smart way.
If you have a habit of smoking and drinking excessively, then watch out, as it is not at all good for your brain. If you wish to have a good memory and protect yourself from the risk of dementia, throw away your cigarette right now. In the end, it all depends on how and what you do keep the controller of your body healthy!



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