Constipation-Problem and Solution

Modern lifestyle relies on an unprecedented indulgence in fast foods and junk foods. Add to that addiction to electronic gadgets and what you have in hand are onslaught of several lifestyle related diseases. The prevalence of diseases like diabetes, heart related problems, high blood pressure, morbid obesity and other neurological diseases have been attributed directly to lifestyle problems. In addition to the diseases above, constipation are extremely common now-a-days. Constipation can be defined as a condition wherein a person has infrequent bowel movements. Even when a constipated person has bowel movements, they often suffer from passing of hard stool. This is associated with several other diseases. Today we shall try to envisage the whole gamut of problems related to constipation and their possible cure.

Daily Diet Plan

The primary causes of constipation are as follows:

Dietary fibre:  Low intake of dietary fibre is one of the important causes that lead to constipation. A normal person should eat at least 25 to 30 gm of dietary fibre every day. But regular consumption of refined food from breakfast to dinner reduce overall fibre intake of an individual and thereby causes severe constipation. Intake of dietary fibre will also help if you have a weight loss diet plan

Water: Limited or reduced intake of water is another cause of constipation. Water help to normalise and maintain body’s overall function. It also helps in normal regular bowel movement. So less water intake may cause constipation.

Stress and insomnia: Stress is also responsible for constipation. As our brain controls all bodily functions, stressful situation directly affect muscle movements.  So excess stress is often thought to cause constipation. 

Sedentary life style: Sedentary lifestyle contributes to constipation. Physical activity helps in proper muscle movement and aids proper bowel movement.

Laxatives: Excess use of self-prescribed laxatives is very harmful. Laxatives also bring about constipation because after a certain period of time body does not respond to laxatives.

Some diseases and medicines are also responsible for severe constipation. Hypothyroidism and diabetes are also associated with irregular bowel movements. Some medicines like pain killers, antibiotics and other neurological drugs are often directly linked to constipation.

What should you do to overcome constipated condition?

Diet: Most important thing is to modify your diet pattern in order to overcome constipation related problems. Firstly, include lots of fiber in your daily diet plan. There are two types of fibre: soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, both of which are required for proper bowel movement. But foods containing insoluble fiber are more important because they add bulk to the stool and therefore, help in bowel movement. Eat wheat bran, vegetables and fruits with skin, whole grain and seeds for increasing total fiber intake. Drink lots of water, - at least 8-10 glasses per day.  In case you do not like to drink too much water, then increase your intake of soup, dal and other liquid foods. Control your portion size because binge eating or over consumption of junk food and fast foods or skipping meal affect one’s metabolism which is related  to the formation of hard stool and irregular bowel movements.

Physical activity: Regular physical activity, in addition to having a balanced diet, help in relieving constipation. Activity helps in proper movement of muscle. Squatting exercise is helpful for constipation. Exercise helps in smooth movement of food in proper time so that our body does not absorb excess water from stool. This mechanism prevents hard stool formation.

Lifestyle modifications: Life style modification has great impact on constipation. Proper sleeping time and maintaining proper gaps between food help in reliving from constipation. Avoidance of junk food along with regular consumption of  at least 8-10 glasses of water per day, would help in reliving in constipation.

By following above mentioned guidelines you can have some relief from constipation. Now I will share some foods which are good for treating irregular bowl movements:

Include prune juice or dry prunes in your regular diet. Prunes are considered as natural laxative as they contain sorbitol which helps in proper bowl movement. So if you take prune juice or dry prunes in empty stomach, they may help you get rid of constipation.

 Dates also very good for treating constipation as they have high volume of fibre 
 Include homemade curd in your daily diet. Curd helps to manage gut bacteria and act as probiotic.
 Include bael fruit in your diet as they contain lots of fibre. They are also considered as natural laxative. So if you drink bael sarbat with curd, it will be very helpful in reliving constipation.
 Last but not the least; include raisins in your diet. Eat water soaked raisins in your diet. You can add them to your breakfast cereal or in smoothie, or you can eat them in raw form.

Constipation is a very common problem so follow the above mentioned tips and live a smooth life.


Swine Flu: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


Swine flu is commonly known as H1N1 flu or virus. It is an advanced strain of influenza causing virus and causes symptoms more or less like that of regular flu. The term Swine clearly indicates its relationship with a pig. This name was given to this typical flu due to its first reported case in pigs. However, it is important to note that one cannot become infected to H1N1 simply because of eating pork products.

This kind of flu isn’t too old, and its first case in a human being was reported in the year 2009. As soon as it came into existence, it spread like a pandemic. India was hit massively too. By May 2010, more than ten thousand cases of swine flu were positive alone in India with over a thousand confirmed deaths.

Fortunately though, by August 2010, WHO declared swine flu pandemic over and since then, this virus has been a regular human inhabitant like the common flu. It comes into existence and spreads in flu season and can be easily treated. The prognosis is excellent.
Predisposing factors of swine flu: 

Immediately after its occurrence in human beings, swine flu was seen to have a tendency to catch on to children above five years of age. This age group affinity is what differentiated it from other kinds of flu which usually affect either older adult or very young children. Although anybody who’s not being hygienic enough can catch swine flu, certain factors make an individual more susceptible to H1N1 virus. These factors are: 

a) Individuals with age over 65 years.
b) Children under the age of 5 years old.
c) Individuals exposed to long term Aspirin therapy
d) Immunocompromised individuals
e) Pregnant ladies.
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Causes of swine flu: 

The causative of swine flu is a modified strain of influenza causing virus. This virus was thought to infect only pigs although its presence in human has been reported; it is to note that the transmission can only take place either animal to animal or man to man. There is no route of transmission from animal to man. 

H1N1 is a highly contagious flu, and its antigens can spread from an infected person via their saliva or mucus particles. The modes of transmission of swine flu from an infected individual to a healthy person can be:

a) Sneezing
b) Coughing
c) Physical contact with germ-covered surfaces like doorknobs, tables, armchair, etc.

Symptoms of swine flu:

Since swine flu is caused by a strain of influenza causing virus, the symptoms produced are almost the same but of higher intensity. Symptoms of swine flu can include:

a) Vigorous coughing with a sore throat
b) Diarrhea with nausea and frequent vomits
c) Sore throat
d) Fatigue and severe body aches.
e) Fever with chills

Treatment of swine flu:

Following its outburst amongst human in the year 2009, swine flu receded afterward till its second outbreak in the year 2015 in India. Major Indian states including Rajasthan and Gujarat had tons of case being reported and proven positive. 937 cases were reported all year long with 218 unfortunate deaths. Even in the year 2019, there is a massive rise in the number of cases being reported as it shot up to 1669 cases accompanied by seven deaths until February 2019.

Following the increasing cases of swine flu, it is important for people to know what exactly its treatment is. The treatment plan of swine flu can be categorized under three approaches.

a) Self-healing: In maximum cases of swine flu, the disease does not have to be medically approached. The primary focus of infected individual should be of relieving the symptoms with home remedies and taking care that they don't spread the infection to other people in the home in any way.

b) Antiviral therapy: Since swine flu in a viral infection, the treatment approach includes a combination of oral drugs namely Oseltamivir and Zanamivir. However, since drug resistance is a major concern of medical practitioners these days, this drug therapy is reserved for those who are at risk of developing complications like pregnant ladies.

c) Vaccine: Since viruses are known to adapt quickly, a renewed combination of a flu shot is developed every year by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There are two modes of vaccine administration, nasal and injectable intramuscularly. The vaccine administered nasally has ‘live viral' strands whereas the one injected has ‘killed viruses. A small dosage of this virus is injected into individual as a prophylactic treatment, our body's immune system fights it and then develop a resistance to it. This is the way all vaccines work. Nasal vaccines are preferred for individuals between the ages of 2 to 50 years. It is important to note that the vaccine shot does not help you in case you are already infected with H1N1.

Conclusion: Swine flu can be a serious infection and should be brought into medical attention as soon as the symptoms appear. In the case of no signs of complication, the individual would be just fine without any medical intervention.

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Marriage Prediction by Date of Birth | Free Marriage Horoscope

Individuals seeking Vedic Astrology Prediction Online might come across various websites that claim to give you genuine predictions about the future. Although, you’d be wiser to know that most of these websites rely on computer-generated responses which might not even be remotely accurate. Astrology services at Key2Connect give you an opportunity to get a free consultation by celebrity astrologer. The following details our services that will enable you to get comparatively more accurate predictions. 
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Key2Connect Astrology: How does it Work?

The team at Key2Connect believes that there shouldn’t be a paywall if one wishes to know their own future. Therefore, we aim to provide accurate and expertly-advised predictions to our customers. Instead of utilizing random computer-generated responses, we ensure that all the predictions are made by actual astrologers who hold expertise in their respective sub-fields. 

We provide free arrange marriage astrology online which are created through what we call ‘Kundali Detailed Analysis.’ This essentially means that instead of leading you astray with random and irrelevant predictions, we analyze your Kundali to give you accurate predictions. Owing to the experience accumulated by our experts in the field, you can rest assured that you use our predictions as referential guidelines for your future. 

The initial step to make the most of services is to reach out to us. You can simply do so through the provided means available on our website. Proceeding further, you have to send us a copy of your Kundali and birth information along with the question(s) you want us to answer. Fulfilling all of the conditions, you just have wait until our experts go through your questions and Kundali to give you your desired answers.

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How reliable are the Predictions?

This is something that most of our customers are in a dilemma about - to be entirely dependent on our predictions or to treat it as a possibility for the upcoming events? According to our opinion, these predictions should serve as a middle ground for you. This basically means that you should neither ignore it entirely not be completely dependent on it. Regardless of our expertise, we would suggest that you take these predictions as guidelines for the future and not the exact image for the things to come. 

How are these Predictions made?

The universe was not created by coincidence. It is a common belief within the community that the major events in our lives are already planned. If one wants to heed the omens laid out by the universe, they can effectively draw an outline of what the future holds. This is exactly what our experts do. By examining the alignment of the stars and matching to your information and numbers, we examine the omens that are there for you. 

Regardless of one’s belief, it is undeniable that numbers and alignment of things play a vital role in both science and spirituality. We understand and acknowledge their importance. By noticing the patterns, we make accurate predictions about an individuals’ future. 

What Makes Us Unique?

As mentioned before, our strength lies within our expertise in the field of astrology and in the experience we’ve gained through the years. We don’t believe in leading our customers onto the path of superstitions by depending on random and computer-generated replies. We ensure that the requests we get are thoroughly examined by human experts. We cater to those who seek aid in noticing the signs and the patterns to plan their path ahead. 

We consider our field to be as vital as the field of science. Hence, we treat it with relevant respect and follow it diligently. Added to that, we’re not close to being a witness to new ideas and concepts. This means that we treat each customer with equal respect and have unwavering dedication towards each one of them. 

How Long Do These Predictions Take?

Since we’re not dependent on computing technologies, we examine all the requests by hand. Therefore, it might take us a day before we can get back to you with your desired answers. Although, we can assure you that the answers we relay to you will be dependable and accurate. 

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Benefits of Blackberry for Your Health

There are different types of berries available in the market- blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries. Among all the berries, blackberries are considered nutritionally enriched and healthier than the others. Blackberry is a very good source of  Vitamin- C, Vitamin- A and antioxidants. Blackberry is enriched with different types of nutrients which are good for skin, hair and overall health. Including blackberries would definitely help you create a healthy and balanced diet.
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Healthy Diet Chart
 Antioxidants: Blueberries are considered as a powerhouse of antioxidants. They have essential antioxidants like Anthocyanin and polyphenol. These antioxidants are helpful in reducing free radical damages. Free radicals are abundantly produced in our bodies due to daily metabolic activities. When we eat junk foods, or take medicine or are exposed to first hand/second-hand smoke these free radicals are increased in our body. These would react with various cellular components and would appropriate their electrons through oxidation. As electrons are lost the cells are weakened which may further lead to the cell's death. As a result, free radical production is directly related to skin aging and hair damages. The more free radicals are produced in our body, the more damages would occur in our skin and hair. Regular consumption of blackberries provide a constant source of antioxidants and reduces age-related damages which affect our skin and hair. Antioxidants in blackberries are also good for brain health. These antioxidants prevent free radical damages of brain cells and thereby help in preserving proper motor function. Blackberry is a good source of polyphenol, which has anti-bacterial properties. So consumption of blackberry helps in reducing bacterial load in our mouth. It also helps in preventing gum related problems. As blackberries have anti-bacterial properties, they protect us from infectious diseases. According to some research, blackberry has anti-cancer properties, as it contains anthocyanin and other phytochemicals such as ellagic acids and cyanidin -3 – glucoside, which are known for their anti-cancer property.

 Vitamin C: Vitamin C is abundantly found in blackberries, which helps in the production of collagen. Collagen is one of the most vital nutrients for reversing skin aging and reducing hair damage. Vitamin C is helpful for preventing and recovering from diseases like scurvy and common cough and cold. It is very effective for wound healing too. Vitamin C of blackberry also acts as an antioxidant, which is beneficial for both skin and hair health, as has been mentioned earlier. As blackberry contains a high amount of vitamin C, its consumption improves our immunity. The phytoestrogens along with vitamins present in blackberry fight with pathogens in our body and protect us from various diseases. Daily consumption of this magical berry not only improves our skin and hair but improves our health and strengthens our immunity. If you have a weight loss diet plan, you can easily include blackberries in a moderate portion to have more health benefits.

 Vitamin A: Blackberries contain Vitamin A that is good for our eyes and our skin health too. Vitamin A is also very important for strengthening our immunity. By improving our immune system, it helps us to fight diseases better. 

 Vitamin K: Blackberry is a good source of Vitamin K, which helps in the clotting of blood. Vitamin K also ensures a smooth and proper circulation of blood throughout our bodies.

 Calcium and magnesium: Minerals like calcium and magnesium are abundantly available in blackberries. Combination of these two minerals makes it a complete solution for bone health. Calcium is essential for bone formation and at the same time magnesium helps in proper absorption of calcium. So for preventing the bone-related problem, one should include blackberry in their daily diet. Magnesium is also essential for the proper functioning of the body's different mechanism, as it takes part in different metabolic reactions that take place inside our body.

Soluble and insoluble fiber: Blackberries contain both soluble and insoluble fibre which facilitate proper digestion.  Insoluble fibre absorbs water from our body and adds bulk to our stool which helps in regular bowel movement. This fiber is also important for heart's health. Blackberry, with its extraordinarily powerful antioxidants, vitamins and minerals can easily be ascribed as a superfood for heart's health.

Major health benefits of eating blackberries have bee. Now you can see how to use blackberry in your daily life.

 Add blackberry in your breakfast cereals or curd.
 You can use blackberry for making cake, pudding, and muffins etc.
 Make juice, smoothies and fruit salad by including blackberry.

Include blackberry in your daily diet plan and give a tasty and healthy treat to yourself.

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